7 Tire Rotation Causes| Are They Misleading?

tire rotation causes

Most people rotate their tires as per the recommendation nowadays however few people still think that tire rotation causes the car’s performance and damages its parts. The reason why they think like that is due to the misinformation and believing everything they heard from non-professionals, which not only damages their tires but also has a … Read more

How Tire Rotation Works & Should You Even Do That?

how tire rotation works

Have you ever come across a situation where your mechanic asked you if you have ever rotated your tires, and you don’t even know what the hack is tire rotation, to understand the complete concept of how it works and whether you should do it or not, read this post to widen your information.  Driving … Read more

Importance Of Valve Stems & Caps on Tire Pressure

valve stems

Valve stems and caps are widely used in almost every vehicle with tires. The main purpose of valve stems and caps are to transfer the air pressure and store it inside the tire. These small plastic and metal pieces are the reason there are millions of vehicles are driven on rubber tires, otherwise, people are … Read more

Tire Pressure Warning Light | What Are The Reasons?

tire pressure warning light

When you turn on the ignition, you will see lots of symbols and lights on the dashboard, and the tire pressure warning light is one of them. If the Tire pressure monitoring system is installed in your car, you will see the light on your ignition, however, when you start the engine, all lights will … Read more

Tire Pressure Keeps Dropping! Should You Be Worried? 

tire pressure keeps dropping

There are a number of reasons why your tire pressure keeps dropping after every interval. And yes, it is a very alarming situation because underinflated tires can cause some big trouble on the road. Also, it can damage your car and its wheels due to closer distance from the road.  In this article, you can … Read more

What Is TPMS & How It Is So Important

what is tpms

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is a sensor that is installed inside or on the tire to measure the air pressure in the tire. The sensor is located on tires as a valve stem cap or as a valve stem itself, which allows it to catch the accurate air pressure available inside the tire. … Read more

Importance Of Tire Air Pressure Maintenance (Tips & Tricks)

tire air pressure

The air pressure on the tire is just like the air on the football. The better air is inflated on each thing, the better their performance will be. Ignoring the tire air pressure maintenance can cause great discomfort to you. Many unwanted results can come to you that can not be fixed in the future.  … Read more

3 Ways To Reset The Tire Pressure Monitoring System

tire pressure light

Before you know how to reset the tire pressure monitoring system, you must know why you need to reset it. A tire pressure monitoring sensor (TPMS) indicates to the driver if the vehicle tires are running below the proper air pressure. Once there is a minimum level of air pressure, a symbol blinks on a … Read more

Impacts Of Low And High Air Pressure On Tire

Air Pressure

If you have been driving a car for a long period, you have an idea that the tire does not run for similar pressure, a little low and high air pressure variance is always there. Every time, the tire required maintenance and a checkup of air, whether it’s not too low or if it is … Read more

How To Install A Tire Pressure Monitoring System

how to TPMS

The tire pressure monitoring system is used for tracking the air pressure of individual tires. They are widely used with most cars driven on the road, and they provide a safety feature to the car. With TPMS, you can quickly analyze the air pressure and inflate the air if needed to be.  In this article, … Read more