Why You Shouldn’t Drive on a Flat Tire: Risks and Solutions Explained

driving on a flat tire

Picture this: you’re cruising down the highway when suddenly, you feel that unmistakable thud-thud-thud. Yep, it’s a flat tire. While your first instinct might be to keep driving until you find a safe spot, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved. Driving on a flat tire isn’t just an inconvenience; it can compromise your vehicle’s … Read more

How Long Can You Drive On A Spare Tire?

How Long Can You Drive On A Spare Tire

Installing the spare tire but unsure whether it can help you reach your destination? We hear you. While spare tires are a blessing in emergencies, drivers are always concerned about their range. Some spare tires can cover hundreds of miles, but few can’t. You may ask, “Why is it so?”. Well, this guide will answer … Read more

Repair a Tire With Nails in it | A Complete Guide

Repair A Tire With Nails

So, you were looking outside your car window, praising the scenic pathways, when that “hiss” sound got you back into the real world. And the realisation of not having a stepney made the situation even worse. The real frustration! We hear you. But no more worries. In this guide, “How to repair a tire with … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Tire Plug and Patch Repair

Tire Plug and Patch Repair

In the US, where around 7 tires puncture every second, keeping a tire repair tool kit is your savior. It eliminates the need to call AAA or wait for a mechanic to come and fix the fault. However, vehicle owners may get confused when choosing between a tire plug and patch, as both methods are … Read more

How to Use Tire Patches | Step-by-step Guide 

tire patches step by step process

“Sometimes a tiny object is enough to ruin your day.” That’s what you may be thinking right now, seeing the sharp stone or nail in your tire tread. However, thanks to Louis Rustin (who first introduced the tire patches) and this comprehensive guide, repairing punctured tires will not take your whole day. Our expert guide … Read more

Tire Pressure Keeps Dropping! Should You Be Worried? 

tire pressure keeps dropping

There are a number of reasons why your tire pressure keeps dropping after every interval. And yes, it is a very alarming situation because underinflated tires can cause some big trouble on the road. Also, it can damage your car and its wheels due to closer distance from the road.  In this article, you can … Read more

Tire Sealant Uses, Do’s and dont’s, To Improve Ride

tire sealant

As most of you might know, tire sealants are used for temporarily moving your tires after a puncture. It is made of glycol, rubber particles, organic thickeners, and other chemicals merged into a liquid foam. The liquid drops into the tire and dries inside it, covering the punctured area of the tire. If it is … Read more

Quick Fixes To Flat Tire | Find Out The Root Cause

What to do when a tire gets flat

A flat tire, an unshaped rubber under your car wheel, makes you feel annoyed and makes you wonder why have we not revolutionized enough to fix this problem. well if you are not a scientist or some underground genius, you have got the fix or replace this ugly piece of rubber, and there are very … Read more