Goodyear WinterCommand Review | Is It Good In 2025?

Last updated on February 10th, 2025 at 12:41 pm


goodyear wintercommand


Studded Winter Tire
Get ready for the winter with these Goodyear WinterCommand tires for extra traction control, grip, and super-fast brakes. Stud it or not, it will still perform superiorly in severe winter conditions. So, get prepared before the winter and install WinterCommand this fall; its tread design can also handle dry roads.

Dry Traction & Grip
Wet Traction & Grip
Snow Traction & Grip
Ride noise
Steering & Cornering

Quick Highlights

Tire type Winter Tire
Hydroplaning ResistanceYes
Tire ConstructRadial Tire
Vehicles typeMinivans, Crossovers, and Sedans

Winter tires that have the option of studs are more functional than studless winter tires. Because studded tires perform 2x better than ordinary winter tires due to the metal studs providing better traction and grip in harsh winter conditions, that is why Goodyear WinterCommand comes with an option of studs so that you can enjoy the whole season of winter without any compromises.  


  • Studded winter tires for extra performance in harsh snow
  • Great traction, grip, and cornering in snow and wet surface
  • 3PMSF certified for harshest conditions of snow
  • A durable tire with a comfortable ride
  • Directional tread design for better snow, wet, and dry performance


  • No warranty on this tire
  • A little noisy tires, especially when studded

The brand, with more than a hundred years of experience in tire manufacturing, is also the proud brand of the USA. Goodyear is one of the top brands in the whole world, Exceptional advancements in technology and bringing the greatest tires in the market make it not only the best in the United States but also in the whole Continent. 

This Goodyear WinterCommand is great for extra traction control, cornering, and grip on the peak of the snow. Due to the central grooves and other tread patterns, it provides the finest performance of winter terrains. 

It also proves its worth in both of these conditions when it comes to wet and dry performance. Winter tire drivers don’t usually visit the dry terrains. That is why Goodyear WinterCommand provides moderate performance on dry roads but delivers impressive performance on wet terrains by resisting hydroplaning and providing better brakes and traction in the water. 

Goodyear WinterCommand Design

The tire design, tread pattern, sidewalls, and shoulders determine if the tire is of high quality or not. Goodyear WinterCommand has a winter-focused compound with stud pins on the tread for better winter performance. The open shoulder design plays an important role in any season conditions with fast stopping and cornering. To make it more durable and strong in the snow, twin steel belts seated on top of the polyester casing also improve ride quality and stability. A great look, strong body, and design make this tire a valuable tire along with a performance for any winter conditions. 

Goodyear WinterCommand Tread Block

The differentiation point of tires that separates each category of the tire from the other is tread blocks. Tread blocks are designed differently for all seasons, summer and winter tires because each category requires different performance. The Goodyear WinterCommand has a directional tread pattern and a solid center rib that rotates in one direction to improve the stability of the snow driving. It also improves the tire’s traction, grip, and cornering on wet and snow surfaces with the help of multi-angled sipes and sweeping lateral grooves. As you already know, it is a studded tire, so there are hundreds of holes spotted on top of the tread blocks. 

Goodyear WinterCommand Warranty

Winter tires don’t usually come with a warranty because of the unpredictable road conditions and the driver’s driving style. Similarly, Goodyear WinterCommand is not backed by any tread warranty. You don’t need a warranty when the tire is manufactured by a customer-friendly brand and reliable brand. It is a durable tire, no doubt about that. Also, you can read about it anywhere on the internet, but still, if you want any assurance; then you can get a warranty offer from the discount tires, but for that, you may have to pay a little more for this tire. 

Reason To Buy

If you don’t want to get stuck at your house and have a ride that you can depend on whatever condition of the snow, you should go with this Goodyear WinterCommand tire. Except that it is a studded tire, it performs more than enough without studs. Due to the directional tread pattern and strong body, you will get the most comfortable ride in winter conditions. You might have to compromise on the noise factor, but the comfort of the ride won’t let you notice any other thing than the smooth, stable ride. 

Reason Not To Buy 

Just like any other tire, you can not put Goodyear WinterCommand in all conditions of driving. As it is a studded tire, you might have to learn about the jurisdictions of your state before buying this tire. Because what’s the point of buying a studded tire and not being able to stud it? Also, there are several other reasons to avoid these tires; if you live in a state where winter rarely comes and when it comes, it is not that harsh. Then, we would recommend you buy all-season tires that will give you an all-year-round performance without changing tires every time the season changes. 


Goodyear WinterCommand is a good tire for the harshest winter conditions, with moderate performance on dry roads. You will be amazed by its performance, and once you use it in the snow, you may not appreciate any other winter tires’ performance. We would recommend you buy this tire after confirming your state’s laws and if you can compromise with the noise.

All of the information is based on the test results, research, and customer reviews. We try to be fair with our reviews and write everything about the tires; either if it’s a positive or a negative point. So if you enjoy reading this review, then tell us in the comment; and also, if you are a user of this tire, then share your experience so that it helps the new buyers with their decision. 

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